
03 Jun 2024

5 Best Snap Types to Get the Most Engagement from Employees

Author: SparkPlug

SparkPlug recently launched a revolutionary new feature called Snaps. Think of it as Instagram Stories with enhanced engagement, all within the SparkPlug platform.

With so many possibilities at your fingertips, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this article, we'll explore 5 creative ways to use Snaps to maximize employee engagement.


Feedback Snaps allow you to provide employees with a prompt and give them space to share their thoughts, answer questions, or provide feedback. You can then export all data and analyze what employees are saying about your brand. Tie this Snap to an exciting Spark, and you're sure to receive valuable responses.

SparkPlugs Video - Jun 5, 2024


Polls are versatile and can be used in a variety of ways. They require minimal time for employees to participate, yet provide you with valuable insights. Use polls to discover information about your product lines (think focus groups!), find out which incentive types employees prefer from your brand, or even get feedback on new product branding or packaging!



Quizzes are an excellent way to provide an interactive element for employees while also educating them about your brand. Use quizzes as a successful interaction tool to test employees' knowledge and provide results based on their submissions.


Make It Pretty

Creative Snaps with personal branding and great photography are extremely eye-catching. With Snaps, you can upload your own colors and brand assets, and you also have access to our extensive media gallery to find aesthetically pleasing images or virtually anything you need.

Make it Pretty

Keep It Concise

It's easy to get carried away with Snaps, but we recommend keeping your Snaps to no more than 5-6 slides. The goal is to maintain employees' attention and avoid drop-off. Snaps that are too time-consuming to get through will likely experience a decline in views, which is not what we want for your brand!

Keep it short

Snaps has countless capabilities. Not only is it a blank canvas for you to explore and test, but we also offer numerous templates to choose from if you want a quick way to get in front of employees but don't have the resources to dedicate to Snap creation.

Want to see it in action? Book a demo with us here!