
05 Jun 2024

How to Snap 101: What is Snaps?

Author: SparkPlug

Welcome to our Snaps 101 series! In this series, we will explore the various ways your business can leverage Spark Snaps to maximize the potential of this powerful tool. We understand that the wide range of capabilities offered by Snaps can be overwhelming, so our goal is to break down the tool and help you fully understand how it works. Despite its many features, Snaps is an extremely user-friendly tool at its core.

Starting with... What is Snaps?

Spark Snaps is the newest feature within SparkPlug. Imagine if Instagram Stories and a budtender training app joined forces to create an extremely approachable, easy-to-use feature. That, in essence, is Snaps!

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Going a little deeper...

Snaps is an add-on to your SparkPlug account that allows you to create bite-sized pieces of content and push them to the employees using SparkPlug. You can attach Snaps to individual Sparks to creatively convey information to employees already on the platform.

Snaps can be used to:

  • Promote Products: Deliver concise video and photo content to effectively showcase your brand and products.
  • Engage & Educate: Interactive training and quizzes to ensure budtenders have the knowledge to boost sales.
  • Gather Feedback: Use surveys and polls to get valuable insights directly from retail teams.

The Best Part?

You don't need a social media guru on your team to effectively use Snaps. Within Snaps, there are numerous templates, photos, videos, and gifs already available for you to use on top of any personal branding that you upload!

We hope this introduction helps break down the basics of Spark Snaps. Stay tuned for more in-depth guides on how to utilize this powerful tool to its fullest potential!