Running incentives at your cannabis dispensary can boost employee engagement, motivation, happiness and of course sales. Don’t know where to start? Here are 12 example months of incentives to offer your staff.
It is best to have these be for a specific brand to focus team efforts on the goal. Work with the brands you carry at your dispensary to offer these to your employees.
Things to remember: These are just examples, but are a great starting point if you don’t know where to begin!
January: THC you later 2023! Ring in 2024 with Cash! Budtender incentive.
February: Show some love. Valentines day team Spark.
March: Spring cleaning Spark- clean out any trendy inventory.
April: 4/20 Team Sales Goal! Sell xx as a team to earn xx.
May: April showers bring May flower- Flower incentive.
June: Kick off summer sales goal. Highlight new products for the summer.
July: 7/10 Team Sales Goal! Sell xx as a team to earn xx.
August: CBD Day Team Spark! Sell xx units of CBD product to earn xx.
September: Kickoff to fall! Highlight new seasonal inventory.
October: Happy Halloweed! Sell xx amount of product to earn xx.
November: Stock up for Thanksgiving! Team member to sell the most xx earns xx.
December: Happy Holidaze! Budtender Bonus to whoever sells the most during December!