Case Studies

26 Jul 2024

Nirvana Center- Center Line

Image of Isabel Carter

Isabel Carter


Watch the full story below.


Nirvana Center implemented Sparkplug, a user-friendly app designed to gamify the sales process in cannabis dispensaries.

Key Features:

  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Text message notifications
  • Real-time sales leaderboards
  • Product-specific competitions and rewards

Implementation Process

Monica, the General Manager, described the implementation as "super easy" and "super friendly." The staff quickly adapted to the new system, with budtenders finding it intuitive and straightforward to use.


1. Increased Sales

Monica reported that Sparkplug helped increase sales by providing budtenders with extra incentives to push products. This led to increased purchases of promoted items.

2. Enhanced Staff Motivation

Budtenders at Nirvana Center reported increased motivation and engagement. One employee stated, "It's made it more fun. Everybody wants to be at the top."

3. Improved Product Focus

The app helped staff stay informed about current promotions and sales goals, leading to more targeted selling efforts.

4. Friendly Competition

Sparkplug fostered a sense of friendly competition among the team, which Monica noted gave them "that little oomph that we needed to have them more competitive and product driven."

Customer Feedback

Monica: "I think Sparkplug is helping us increase sales by giving the budtenders those extra incentives to push product out, and that's gonna help increase the sales of those products, which in turn increase us purchasing more of those products."

Budtender: "Sparkplug has added somewhat of a friendly competition. It makes you want to actually sell the product more too. You know, just to get that extra like, couple dollars in your pocket when you need it."